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Adding a Customer

Learn how to add a customer to your account

Updated over a week ago

Your business needs customers to buy your vehicles. Instead of rocking a rolodex, or handwriting information over and over, you can use our technology to bring another level of efficiency into your day.

Adding the Customer

From the dashboard, navigate to Customers.

Dashboard view highlighting customers tab

Once in the Customers section, you'll see your other customers, or an empty table if you have not yet added any. Click the blue "Add Customer" button.

Customers table of dashboard focusing on Add Customer button

This will create a new customer record and open a popup with it so you can begin working.

Editing of a sample customer record

Customer Type

The Customer Type can be set to one of three options:

  • Person

  • Company

  • Dealer

Although most dealers are companies, we've chosen to separate these because the information needed to complete each profile is different.


For a Person, we'll ask for their date of birth and sex. Companies do not need to provide this information, as it is used for the titled owner, not a company representative.

As a taxable entity, we ask for the Taxability structure. This is how you want us to calculate the taxes when you use this customer record in a transfer.


For a Company, we'll ask for its company name and fictitious name (if applicable), and its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). This is like the social security of the company and is always used to identify it at a national level. Every company is required to obtain one, and surely you as a dealer would have one too.

We still ask for the name and driver license number of the representative of the company signing all documents. Even if the buyer is a company, most states want the "Printed Name" which appears next to signatures to be of the person signing, not the company's name.

Additionally, since this is not a dealer, it is a taxable entity like a person, so we'll still ask for its Taxability structure.


For a Dealer, we'll ask for all the same details of a company, but we'll also ask for its dealer license number and state resale tax number. Both are essential, especially the state resale tax number, as you will likely not charge them taxes on this sale as they are allegedly tax exempt. However, most states require you to maintain proof of this tax exemption in your records.

Since this is a dealer, it is not a taxable entity in regards to sales tax, so we will not ask for its Taxability structure.


Edit of a sample customer record focused in the Taxability section

This section is seriously important. Based on how you configure this, we'll automatically calculate taxes for any vehicle you sell to this customer. We'll explain how this system works:

Most, if not all, of your sales will be to customers who live in your home state, so the tax rate of your customer is the same you're used to. If it is an out-of-state sale, we recommend you consult your tax advisor.

Sales Tax Explained

When you buy items at a store, the sales tax you are charged is usually the combination of your state and local rate. Most states have a limit as to the applicable extent of the local sales tax.

For example, Florida has a 6% state tax rate. Miami-Dade county of Florida has a 1% county tax rate. When any taxable purchase is made, a 7% combined sales tax is assessed. However, only the first $5,000 of sales is subject to the 1% local tax rate.

Let's visualize tax calculations for sales in Florida in some examples below:

Example 1

Vehicle Price

State Tax (6%)

County Tax (1%)

Total Tax


$3,000 x 6% = $180

$3,000 x 1% = $30


Example 2

Vehicle Price

State Tax (6%)

County Tax (1%)

Total Tax


$50,000 x 6% = $3,000

$5,000 x 1% = $50


Example 3 (INCORRECT)

Vehicle Price

State Tax (6%)

County Tax (1%)

Total Tax


$50,000 x 6% = $3,000

$50,000 x 1% = $500


As you can see in the above examples, for the portion of the vehicle price over $5,000 we do not charge the local rate. Therefore, if the local sales tax portion is not calculated correctly, the customer would be overcharged by $450 in Example 3.

As a dealer, it is your legal obligation to collect taxes on behalf of your state and remit them diligently. You should be familiar with your obligations by attending training in your state or asking your tax advisor. Our system receives your information and assists you in accurate calculations, but you must accurately provide information to enjoy its benefits. If you do not know how to implement your tax advisor's advice into our platform, please contact us.


We hope this explains any questions you may have regarding adding a customer record into Syncorise. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, reach out to us.


Our product facilitates the accounting aspect of your sales, but you are responsible for ensuring everything is working as intended. You and your business are responsible for the accurate collection of government fees and adequate disclosure to your customers of all information. We strive to provide the best of services, but you must, among other aspects, ensure all brands are properly disclosed, the odometer is properly declared, the pricing is properly detailed, and the correct sales tax is being collected, reported, and paid. We are not accountants or attorneys; it is your responsibility to comply with federal and state regulations surrounding your business.

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